What are the advantages to dining al fresco at the the Uptown Grill? Sure, we may not have the view's of some other area patio's, but what we lack in views we make up for in cleanliness, lack of bugs, (we are screened in after all), atmosphere and most importantly service. When dining outside at other restaurants (and I've been on the receiving end of this before) it sometimes seems like the outside area is an after thought. Because you are dining outside it can feel as if you receive service only when the staff has the time to service you. That's not the case here. Our patio area has assigned servers for every shift and each table is treated the same as if it were inside. You eat on china and drink from a glass. No disposables here.
We accept reservations for our patio so please feel free to call ahead and reserve your space. Whether you prefer to dine outside, just want to stop down for drinks after work and enjoy our sidewalk cafe, it's now time to take advantage of the area's premier patio dining. Check it out soon and take advantage of these nice days. We are in Illinois after all, where it goes from 80 to 45 to 95 with not many perfect patio days in between. Remember, sidewalk tables are also dog friendly.
Screened in or completely covered, au-natural outside or a quick lunch on the porch, you can reserve the patio anytime by clicking here. (Just request an outside table in the "reservation notes" section)
So the next sunny warm spring morning when you get our daily special email and you have this nice sunny sidewalk cafe picture staring you down, click click click and make your reservation. We will be ready for you.
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